Accidental CEO


Empowering creative entrepreneurs to achieve financial success while pursuing their passion.

tell me more!

Creative entrepreneurship is truly a freedom industry - you can sail around the globe or work straight in your hometown. But so many entrepreneurs struggle to make a full-time income. (Sound familiar?) You’ve got the talent and passion, but running a business is a whole other skill most of us didn’t go to school for.

That’s where I come in. Let’s make your vision profitable!

This is your year to ditch inconsistent bookings and sell out your services.

Confidence is a belief in oneself, the conviction that one has the ability to meet life's challenges and to succeed—and the willingness to act accordingly.  This confidence workbook for entrepreneurs will help you build a path to follow towards your most confident self. 

lack of confidence is a common reason behind many barriers ceoS encounter

the confidence booster workbook


"I felt really safe sharing with her and she made it feel like a nonjudgmental business big sister with just the right kick in the pants! I left feeling inspired and with a to do list that felt like it would truly move the needle forward.  "
- Ashlyn J. | Wedding & Event Planner 

" She has a lot of experience and unique perspectives."

Get my 6-figure shortcuts to automate more in your photography business.


Let’s dive into how to drum up more leads and win more bookings.


Learn how to price your products and services to sell out.


I Want That!


Get all the resources you need to build a thriving six-figure
creative business and get back to enjoying life. 

I Need This!

Say Less!

Tired of an empty calendar (or worse) feeling like your revenue is capped? I've been there. The truth it, it’s insanely frustrating to feel like you’re doing everything the experts recommend but never seeing real results for yourself. 

Stop trying to follow someone else’s path. 

Your business superpowers are completely unique from every other creative entrepreneur in your area. Let me help you find the key to unlocking your wildly profitable business strategy.

I’m Nata, your mindset & business coach.

Hey there!

Top Episodes for

ceo by chance
successful by choice

let's do it!

We offer a range of online courses to help creative entrepreneurs grow their business and make money! Whether you're experienced or just starting out, we have courses that will help you develop your skills and take your business to the next level. Our courses cover topics including marketing, sales, mindset and business development. We'll teach you how to find new clients, market your services effectively, and develop a pricing strategy that works for you.

You’ve seen all the freebies and YouTube videos, yet you’re still getting passed over for the next person? It may surprise you, but most creative entrepreneurs struggle to get booked NOT because their skills need more help but because they don’t have the right brand identify that connects with their ideal client . Join me for the next bootcamp or mastermind to help you get unstuck and breakthrough the barriers that are holding you back. 

Ever wish you had a business and mindset coach in your corner who’s been there and can help guide you through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship? Well, can! Let me get 100% invested in your business on a personal level. Choose from my one-on-one coaching packages that focus on true mentorship and teaching you to run a profitable and successful business.

from the comfort of your home



Online Courses



Ready To Work Together?

It's a Yes for me

show me the way

download the app free

Learning at your fingertips. Get access to mini courses that address both business and mindset strategies to help you pave the way into  the business of your dream. 
The Accidental CEO app also provides a community feature and the opportunity to track your progress. 
Ready to join hundreds of entrepreneurs? 


always on the go?


Tanielle B. 

When I signed up, I was at a crossroads and very unsure about the direction of my professional future. I was burned out in my previous career in medicine and knew I needed to shift, but unsure how or what. The Mastermind gave me the space to explore and learn with like minded people.  All the information, the guidance from Nata and the collective insights from the group gave me the confidence to move forward in the new steps of my career path.

having access to Nata herself, someone who has stood where I am and has been wildly successful, is like having direct access to a wealth of information and all the gold nuggets! What’s even better is, long after the mastermind group has ended, Nata has stayed on the sidelines cheering for me and encouraging a success that she knows can be mine.

Kendra B. 


* We will never share your details with any third party 

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