Like so many of us, Lisann felt pressure early in her career to keep different parts of her life compartmentalized—work, hobbies, dreams—all in neat, separate boxes. But once she began merging these different parts, her life opened up. “Being a multi-passionate person, I started to see that each of my ‘separate’ talents could actually support and complement each other,” Lisann says.
This idea of integration is something entrepreneurs and business owners struggle with. We’re often told to pick a lane and stick to it. But what if combining your diverse interests and skills could actually amplify your purpose? Lisann’s journey is a beautiful example of how powerful it can be when you allow all of who you are to shine.
Pro Tip: Consider making a list of all your skills, hobbies, and passions. How might they work together to create a richer, more fulfilling path?
For those feeling restless, there’s often an impulse to label it as a “crisis.” But as Lisann points out, it can also be a midlife awakening—an invitation to listen to your soul and pursue the life you truly want. “Your soul will shake you awake,” she laughs, recalling moments in her legal career where she felt a deep inner nudge that there was something more. It’s that feeling of living on autopilot, going through the motions, that can push us to seek change.
If you’re feeling this inner tug, consider it a gift, not a sign that something is wrong. For Lisann, the “soul cry” she felt on her morning commute was a profound wake-up call, prompting her to question her path and embrace the unknown.
Actionable Step: Set aside a few minutes each week to sit quietly and reflect on your feelings. Listen to your inner voice—what is it telling you?
Intuition has been a guiding force for Lisann in every transition she’s made, from acting to spiritual coaching. She likens intuition to an inner compass, calling it “the language of your soul.” Whether it was journaling as a child, meditating, or following those quiet nudges, Lisann has used intuition to guide her at every turn.
But tuning into intuition doesn’t mean waiting for a thunderbolt of inspiration—it’s about consistently checking in with yourself, asking questions, and listening to the answers that arise. For entrepreneurs, intuition is often that quiet voice suggesting a direction. Yet, because we live in such a loud, fast-paced world, creating space to hear that voice is challenging. “It doesn’t have to be complicated; sometimes, just taking a shower and allowing thoughts to come is enough to reconnect with yourself,” Lisann suggests.
Your Intuition Exercise: Next time you’re in the shower (or another quiet place), allow yourself to brainstorm freely. Bring a waterproof notepad to jot down any ideas—this simple habit can become a powerful intuitive practice.
One of the biggest hurdles Lisann faced was dealing with her own inner critic. “There were plenty of backward compliments and moments of doubt,” she recalls. But instead of letting it stop her, she reframed these reactions. “I realized that people were triggered by my willingness to color outside the lines, and that’s okay. I didn’t need their permission to be happy.”
This lesson is essential for anyone making a major life change. Criticism and doubt are part of the process, especially when we’re moving away from traditional paths. But the loudest critic will often be within us. It’s about learning to show kindness to yourself and leaning into those fears, using them as fuel rather than barriers.
Mindset Shift: When you catch yourself in self-doubt, ask: “Is this thought helping me grow or holding me back?” Use self-compassion as your guiding force.
Lisann shares that one of the most valuable investments she made was in herself. Mentors, coaches, and guides played a huge role in her growth. “I won’t go to a coach who doesn’t have their own coach,” she quips. “If you’re doing this life thing right, you’re constantly evolving, and that requires support.”
No one can walk this path alone. Finding someone who has been there before can give you the perspective and encouragement you need, whether it’s a coach, mentor, or community of like-minded individuals.
Get Support: If you’re pivoting in life or career, seek a mentor or coach who aligns with your values and has experience in the journey you’re embarking on.
Finally, one of the most profound shifts in Lisann’s journey was around money. “As a spiritual coach, I used to feel guilty about charging for my services,” she admits. “But I had to recognize that I’m providing value and that money is just an exchange of energy.”
Money mindset is a common challenge for entrepreneurs, especially those from backgrounds where money is seen as scarce or frivolous. But valuing yourself, understanding your worth, and recognizing that you’re allowed to be compensated for your gifts is a necessary step in growth.
Challenge Your Beliefs: Reframe your relationship with money by asking yourself: “Am I viewing money as a tool for growth, or as something to be avoided?” Adjusting this mindset is crucial in allowing you to thrive.
Whether you’re facing a midlife crisis, a career shift, or simply wondering if you’re on the right path, remember that you’re allowed to evolve. Embrace your intuition, get comfortable with the unknown, and surround yourself with support. As Lisann beautifully exemplifies, the path to fulfillment isn’t always linear. But if you’re willing to listen to your inner voice, take the first step, and stay open to the journey, you’ll find that reinvention is not only possible but incredibly rewarding.
So, dear accidental CEOs, let this be the spark you need to take that next bold step. Remember, your “soul cry” is calling—are you ready to answer?
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